After the pandemic hit, people are now again planning to go on trips as things have become normal like before. However, guessing you are here because you have a disabled family member and are planning to go on a trip.
It may seem very difficult to travel with a disabled person especially if you are planning to opt for a road trip. This may feel intimidating as wheelchairs are the most important part of their daily lives. Isn’t it?
Well, in reality, that is not true at all. Now road trips or any type of travelling can be easier with a person in a wheelchair if you choose to be wise and follow certain tips listed below.
- Create a Plan
The first thing that you must do while travelling with a disabled person in a wheelchair is nothing but creating a plan. When you create a plan it will make your trip simple and easier.
For instance, make a plan of where you would go and how many times you would stop by to take a rest.
When you plan these things, it will make your calculation easier regarding the amount of time you will be spending on the road trip until you reach the preferred destination. Also, you will be able to pack things accordingly that you might need on your way.
- Pack Medical Supplies
The next thing that you must keep in mind is to pack medical supplies. People with disabilities may have certain ailments which require instant medical attention.
For example, if the person has a spinal cord injury, then they might need medical equipment including catheters, incontinence devices, or even ostomy goods. Other than that, make sure to keep a hold of wheelchair accessories as well.
To be precise, some of the wheelchair accessories that you must keep close to ensure the mobility aid is customized include a safety belt, gloves, a secure canvas pouch, etc. On the other hand, make sure that you pack enough of the daily necessities to last for the entire journey. Apart from that, keep a few additional days’ for making arrangements of supplies in case of delays.
- Plan Meals in Advance
When going on a road trip with a disabled person, you should make sure to carry
fibre- and protein-rich meals or snacks. This includes food items like string cheese, peanut butter packets, dried fruit, nuts and more.
On the other hand, depending on where you’re going, you can also find some of these things at regular convenience stores. Eat meals that contain a balance of protein, fibre-rich carbs, healthy fats, and a vegetable when dining out.
This will prevent you from falling sick on the way and make your journey smooth and convenient throughout. Furthermore, you can also consult with your nutritionist to suggest a diet accordingly.
- Make Emergency Repair Kit
When going on a road trip with a disabled person who lives in a wheelchair, it is very important that you have a small repair kit prepared. This would be the smartest thing that you can do while travelling as road trips are always full of unwanted surprises.
For example, some of the items that you should keep a hold of include sticky tape, bubble wraps to protect the chair, Allen keys to fit the wheelchair screws, and more.
You should also carry an extra tire which you might need in case of tire puncture and related tools, which is a very common problem that people face on a road trip.
- Carry Wheelchair Bag
There may be times on the road trip when you would want to take some rest and look forward to stretching out a bit. Remember that you are not alone on this trip and you should think the same for the disabled person.
So make sure to offer them the independence that they want or are looking for in the trip. For example, you can offer them a wheelchair bag which can hold off all their important essentials. These bags have both large and small compartments to store personal items and can be fixed to the rear of the seats making movement easier.
The wheelchair bag can make the journey easier than ever as they result to be a versatile carrying solution. Moreover, the best part about these bags is that they are waterproof and durable in nature.
- Clothing and Accessories
When you travel with a disabled person, make sure that you are carrying all the clothing and accessories items that may be needed during the road trip. When planning clothes and accessories, it is important to consider the season or the weather conditions alongside the ailments of the disabled person.
For instance, you are strongly advised to bring along a few extra pairs of clothes or additional necessities like scarves, gloves, mufflers, and cover-ups if the weather is cold.
If the weather is rainy, then keep raincoats and an extra pair of socks and shoes. During the summer season, remember to carry clothes that are lightweight and other essentials like hats, sunglasses, and more.