Knowing that your marriage is beyond the point of saving can be both overwhelming and disheartening. Regardless of the underlying reason, filing for divorce is never a straightforward decision. Before you file papers in Montgomery, it is always prudent to know the legal implications of the divorce. Remember, no two divorces are the same, which means you cannot rely on a friend or family who has been through a divorce for advice or help. You need a competent attorney who can guide you further and evaluate your case based on facts and critical details. Consider scheduling a meeting with the top attorneys of The Harris Firm, LLC immediately. Here are some essential aspects that need your attention.
Open up and share everything with the attorney
People often have reservations talking about private things that led to the divorce. However, you cannot expect an attorney to help you, no matter how experienced they are, unless they know everything. Whether you have a second source of income or are currently dating someone in hiding, your lawyer should be aware of all aspects. Also, your lawyer may ask questions, which you should answer honestly.
Don’t act in haste
In Alabama, you have to wait for at least 30 days to get through your divorce. However, most cases continue for a longer time. Even if you are in a hurry to get through the divorce sooner, don’t act out of emotions. There are legal issues to sort, including child custody, child support, alimony, and distribution of assets, and working on these aspects with your spouse can take time.
Be careful about the kids
It is not unusual for couples to bicker and fight when the kids are around, but that’s what you should avoid. Remember, the child is probably going through a lot already, and the least you can do is cut down on the impact of the divorce on them. Do not say horrible things about your spouse to the child, and no matter what your goals are, always prioritize their well-being and interests.
Know the laws
Ask your attorney to explain all relevant Alabama laws that are pertinent to the divorce. For instance, if you want alimony, you may want to learn more about how courts decide on spousal support. There are also things like the distribution of assets that you need to discuss. Your case is unique, and your attorney will explain how different laws are likely to impact your case.
Don’t be rigid
Spouses often act rigidly when it comes to demands during the divorce. That could be a big misstep. Remember, if you end up in court, the judge will decide everything, and the final outcome could be drastically different from what you expected. As such, maintain lines of communication, and even if you cannot talk to your spouse directly, let the lawyers do the talking.
Consider mediation
If you have a contested divorce and want to avoid going to court, mediation could be an option. In Alabama, mediation is often encouraged to skip litigation, as it is much simpler and allows the couple to decide on critical issues amicably. Mediation is also a lot less expensive and remains a private process, unlike a trial, which is a matter of public record. There will be a mediator, but they don’t influence the decisions.
Final word
Hiring a divorce lawyer in Montgomery gives you access to legal advice and expertise that you can never get from the internet. Your attorney is there to fight for your rights and get the best possible outcome. Not to forget, they will also handle the complex paperwork and other relevant steps.
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