For the last few years, the world has been experiencing a wave of change. The internet is transforming everything from how we communicate to what type of music we listen to. In this shifting landscape, many companies are struggling to keep up. They’re trying to make sense of an ocean of information and talk to as many people as possible in the least amount of time possible.
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In this blog post, you’ll learn about the ways that mass communication is changing today, why it matters, and what you can do about it.
What is mass communication?
Mass communication is the use of numerous mediums to reach an audience, often via telephone, email, social media, or other electronic communication systems. It is the use of large numbers of people to communicate with a smaller number of decision-makers.
The term is sometimes used in reference to communications via radio and television, although other media are also commonly included.
why is mass communication important?
Communication plays a significant role in our everyday lives. It is what allows us to talk to one another, and it is also how we learn, share and grow as people. Communication also plays an important role in the formation of communities.
When people are able to communicate with each other easily, we have the opportunity to form relationships, share knowledge and make friends. Communication can also be used as a tool for political, social, and religious movements.
seven ways mass communication is changing today
The internet has changed how we communicate, but it’s only begun to scratch the surface of how these technologies are being used. Now, the internet extends beyond the digital realm to include virtual communities, online media, and live video streams.
We are also seeing a shift in the types of media we consume. Traditional media such as radio, television, and newspapers are being filled with less news and more social media and entertainment.
Why mass communication matters
Mass communication can drastically impact how we think, feel, and act. It can influence how we view the world and how we react to events and people in it.
This can range from the more obvious (i.e. how we communicate and consume media) to the more subtle (i.e. how we choose to treat each other). When news breaks about an event such as a massacre or natural disaster, people around the world are quick to share their thoughts and feelings online.
Through those comments, photos and videos, people are able to form a real-time picture of what is happening. When one person’s experience is reflected by the words of another, we are able to form a collective perception of what is happening in the world. This sharing of experiences has a huge impact on how we understand and respond to events.
Five ways you can help save mass communication
Here are five ways you can help save mass communication:
Be aware: Take the time to learn about the platforms you use and how they’re used. Make sure you know what you are and aren’t allowed to do on them.
Be thoughtful: Don’t post content that you know will cause problems for others. Remember, you are responsible for your own words and actions.
Critique: When you see something that you don’t like, try to offer an alternative perspective or point of view.
Don’t be a leaker: If you see something that you know could be a secret, don’t post it. Leave the page and go to the comments section and let the people share what they know.
Don’t be an echo: Let your words and actions lead the conversation. Don’t just sit in the front seat, so to speak, and drive the car.
Final thoughts
The way people consume and create media has changed drastically in the past few years. It’s no secret that social media is a major player in this new landscape, but it has a lot more competition than it did just a few years ago. With new technologies comes a new type of competition. Using new digital platforms, old media companies are fighting an uphill battle.
Mass communication companies aren’t necessarily going to go away, but they certainly will be impacted by the new way people consume media. As media companies struggle to keep up with the demands of a new way of consuming media, individuals are finding new ways to engage with media and each other.
There are many new opportunities for individuals who want to start their own media company as well as for media brands who want to branch out beyond standard channels. As the battle for mass communication continues, it’s important to remember that there are real and tangible benefits to embracing these new ways of consuming and creating media.